

Hailie media Premier Bet 3We are proud to put the spotlight on Hailie Warren for her talent, dedication and outstanding achievement in the field of film and media production.

BA (Hons) Film & Media Enterprise student, Hailie, recently embarked on an exciting journey to London where she played a pivotal role in the production of a high-profile commercial for Premier Bet that celebrated African roots by uniting legendary footballer, Didier Drogba, with a vibrant local community.

As Production Runner, Hailie’s role was instrumental in brining the Premier Bet commercial to life. Her commitment, enthusiasm and creative contributions behind the scenes made this dynamic advertisement a success.

Hailie media Premier Bet 2The Premier Bet commercial, released in August 2023, showcases the incredible teamwork and creativity that goes into producing captivating visuals for the advertising industry. You can view the full commercial Premier Bet | ‘From The Streets’ on YouTube.

From Level 3 to Level 6, Hailie’s educational journey at New College Durham has provided her with an environment that has nurtured her talent and allowed her to hone her skills to make meaningful contributions to the media and entertainment industry.

Hailie, BA (Hons) Film & Media Enterprise student, said:

Hailie media Premier Bet 1“I am very glad to have been invited to work on such a fantastic opportunity. My time at NCD has prepared me to work in this exciting industry.”

Simon Jefferson, Media Lecturer, commented:

“Hailie’s achievement and success has inspired many of our other aspiring filmmakers at NCD. We commend Hailie for her hard work and dedication. We look forward to watching her continue to make a significant impact in the world of film and media production.”

Read more about the ‘From The Streets’ campaign.