

Road Safety Week uniformed services 2022In acknowledgement of Road Safety Week, Inspector Bowden visited our uniformed services students to deliver a road safety session.

As the Road Safety Bureau Manager at Durham Police, Inspector Ian Bowden was keen to talk to the group about how to prevent accidents, and the careers in Road Traffic Policing and how the Police respond to fatal collisions.

The group also joined Inspector Bowden outside to see the patrol car used for his role.

Policing student, Manisha Pabla, said:

“I enjoyed this session. It opened my eyes to the harsh realities and dangers of the road.”

Level 2 Uniformed services student, Ryan Goff, commented:

“The session was very informative for those wanting to join the Police. It was especially important to us as young people as it showed us the danger of the roads and how it affects us.”

Level 3 Uniformed services student, Zainab Begum, said:

“I thought the session was very helpful as Inspector Ian gave us an insight into the different roles within the Police. His road safety advice was very good as some of us are just learning to drive or have just passed.”  

Thank you to NEUCP for organising such an informative visit for our uniformed services students.